Tuesday, October 5, 2010

THE A21 CAMPAIGN: saving 1 at a time

I was introduced to the A21 Campaign fellow anti-trafficking blogger, Karyn, who writes the Delicate Fortress Blog. A21 has the goal of abolishing modern slavery in the 21st century. With millions in bondage through forced labor, sex trafficking, bonded servitude, etc... modern slavery can be an overwhelming force to comprehend, let alone fight.

A21 takes the approach of saving the one. As we save 1 at a time, raise awareness and prevention efforts, and prosecute the criminals behind these abuses, the goal of abolishing injustice can be achieved.

Currently A21 has offices in the US, Australia and Greece. Their primary focus is confronting trafficking and saving girls in Greece, since it's a hot bed and focal point of sex trafficking throughout Europe.

Here are some videos produced by the A21 campaign. They are all 30 sec. to 4 min. long. Invite you to take time to watch them and then share them with others.

You can learn more about A21 at their website www.thea21campaign.org.

Thank You,

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