For those wondering where to start, I highly suggest visiting one of these non-profit organizations and donating to them. These organizations also have pages with ideas on how you can help and what you can do to make a difference. I've associated with and/or researched these organizations on various levels in the past and feel they are trustworthy and truly making differences in this fight. There are many other organizations you can support who do fabulous work, but if you're new to this cause and want some place to start, start with these.
- International Justice Misssion
- Operation Underground Railroad
- Free the Slaves
- Not For Sale
- Somaly Mam Foundation
¡Da forma o mejora la imagen de tuempresa con! Obtengamásempleadospotenciales, junto con los clientes y contratistasmediante la cooperación en el campo delsoporte de la Marca del empleador.