Saturday, April 24, 2010

6 Things You Can do to Combat Modern Slavery

There are many things all of us can do in the fight against modern slavery. We all have different talents, ideas, circles of influence and opportunities to make a difference. USE YOUR SKILLS as only you know how.

In addition, here are 6 simple things everyone can do to make a difference.

ACTION 1: Get educated by reading books, blogs, articles, videos, etc... Knowledge is power and understanding. Plus, it will help you generate ideas on how you can help.

ACTION 2: Request your library to buy modern abolitionist books and/or donate them yourself. See my previous post on this for more information.

ACTION 3: Sign and/or start petitions to send to government and business leaders. It's easy to do and really makes a big difference in reaching policy makers. Collectively we have the power to move governments and change policies.

ACTION 4: Choose an abolitionist organization and donate/raise money for them monthly. Organizations need consistent funding more than one-time gifts. Monthly funding allows them to budget accordingly so they can plan programs and maintain their efforts. Here's how I budget being able to donate to groups.
ACTION 5: Learn the signs of human trafficking and look for them in your neighborhood, travels, etc... Report anything suspicious to the National Hotline 1-888-3737-888 or email them at
Here is a FREE community guidebook on combating slavery in your neighborhood.

ACTION 6: Raise awareness by sharing the issues of modern slavery with everyone you know and then by asking them to do Actions 1-5 as well.

To quote Obama,
"YES WE CAN!" We can make a difference in the fight against modern slavery. Many hands make lighter work.

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
~Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Thank you,

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