Tuesday, June 29, 2010

PETITIONS: Sign Petitions Urging State & Federal Government to Pass Crucial Anti-Human Trafficking Bills

There are a number of crucial Anti-Human Trafficking bills on table for state and federal governments. You can help by signing each of the 6 petitions below to urge legislators to pass the following bills.

What if it's not my state?
Even if you don't live in the state where legislation is up for voting, you can still show your support by signing the petitions and urging legislators to pass these bills.






Thank You,

Monday, June 28, 2010

PETITION: Urge Congress to End Child Trafficking!

Yesterday I wrote about the International Justice Mission "5 Weeks for Freedom" campaign. One of the ways you can help the campaign for freedom is by signing the IJM petition to state senators regarding the Child Protection Compact Act.

2 Places to Sign the Petition
Either one will work. It's an easy way to make a big impact.
1. International Justice Mission Website
2. Change.org

You can find more information about the Child Protection Compact Act on the International Justice Mission Website. Here is a brief summary and sample copy of the letter to Senators.

For the past year and a half, the International Justice Mission has been working on gaining support for a bill called the Child Protection Compact Act (CPCA), legislation designed to increase U.S. support to eradicate child trafficking in countries that have the will to end the crime but lack resources.

The central feature of the legislation, which is to provide increased assistance for select “focus countries” to nourish functioning justice systems to protect children from trafficking, was informed by IJM’s own experience in aiding governments in combating trafficking. These focus countries, which would be determined by the State Department’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (G/TIP), will receive support in building public justice systems that effectively investigate crimes against children and prosecute perpetrators in numbers sufficient to deter and eventually eliminate the crime. The legislation also authorizes increased assistance for care for survivors of trafficking.

On June 5, 2009, Representatives Chris Smith (R-NJ) and Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) introduced the CPCA in the House of Representatives; it now has over 110 co-sponsors. Senators Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Sam Brownback (R-KS) and Ben Cardin (D-MD) introduced a similar bill in the Senate on March 25, 2010, which now has several co-sponsors on both sides of the aisle.

You can help IJM ensure that this vital legislation is passed by contacting your senator today to urge him/her to support the CPCA.

Please support the Child Protection Compact Act (S. 3184)

Dear Senator:

I write to express support for the Child Protection Compact Act (S. 3184).

This legislation would help eradicate the exploitation of children for labor or commercial sex in developing countries by offering additional resources for law enforcement, victim relief, and deterrence through apprehension and prosecution of traffickers.

UNICEF estimates that nearly two million children worldwide are exploited each year through commercial sex trade, and millions more are at risk in dangerous industries. These crimes are not the inevitable consequence of poverty. Rather, they indicate the failure of justice systems in developing countries to take the profit out of slavery by successfully investigating, prosecuting, and convicting those who traffic in human beings.

I urge you to become a sponsor of the Child Protection Compact Act, and help build public justice systems that protect the poor and vulnerable. This important and innovative legislation has been endorsed by International Justice Mission, World Vision, Amnesty International USA, Freedom House, Not for Sale, the SOLD Project, Polaris, Equality Now and Sojourners.

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State ZIP]

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Free the Captives Anti-Trafficking Conference in Dallas

You might be wondering why it's been 3 weeks since I made my last posts, but chances are more likely you didn't notice and were not wondering at all. Either way, we just moved back to the Dallas, Texas area. Things have been quite busy between packing, trying to find a new place to live, and, oh yeah, driving a moving truck 1,200 miles.

Now that things are starting settle down I am slowly hopping back in the saddle of abolitionist work. One of the first things I am doing is researching all of the local abolitionist groups in my area. I highly suggest everyone does the same in their own region.

While researching, I came across the free event shown below. So if you live in the Dallas area, register and come to the event. They have a great lineup of speakers and I would love to meet you at the event. I will be the one wearing a white AbolitionistJB polo shirt and khakis. Hope to see you there.

SATURDAY, JULY 24TH 8:30AM - 12:30PM

Andy Hein, International Justice Mission,
"Human Trafficking around the World"

Christina MacKenzie, ALERT Ministries,
"Sex Trafficking of Domestic Minors"

Julie Waters, Esq., Free the Captives,
"God, the Church, and Human Trafficking"

Friday, June 25, 2010

International Justice Mission "5 WEEKS FOR FREEDOM"

EMAIL - 5 Weeks For Freedom

At IJM, we believe everyone deserves to live in freedom, so we've set our sights on eradicating modern-day slavery and violent oppression of the poor. But, we know this will require all of us. That's why, this summer, we're launchingStop Injustice: 5 Weeks for Freedom — IJM's biggest campaign ever. And it's our hope that after reading this e-mail, you will be inspired to join us.

5WFF - 15 People 1800 Miles 5 Weeks

5 Weeks for Freedom: Let's start a movement!

This summer, 15 ordinary people will give up 5 weeks of their lives, cycling 1800 miles of the Underground Railroad with one extraordinary goal: To bring hope to the millions of people waiting for justice.

The team will ride from June 26 to July 30, inviting people to join the fight for freedom online and at events along their route — from churches to concerts to Major League Baseball games. Their journey concludes on July 30 in Buffalo, NY, when we'll invite 1 million people to join IJM's second annual Weekend to End Slavery.

We need your help!

SPREAD THE WORD: In anticipation of June 26, we hope you will help us raise awareness by telling your friends. (Check out the cool social media tools on our campaign site.)

PLAN TO PARTICIPATE: Whether you have a few minutes or a few hours, there is a way for everyone to support 5 Weeks for Freedom.

MAKE RESCUE POSSIBLE: We've set a goal to raise $1 million - and to make this possible, we're inviting 100,000 people to TEXT to give $10 to IJM's work. Who will you invite to give?

I invite you to explore www.5WeeksforFreedom.org to learn more about these opportunities, meet the riders and much more. This summer's journey on the Underground Railroad reminds us that slavery was defeated once, simply because ordinary people did what they could to join the fight. And it inspires us to believe that, together, we can defeat it again. Will you join us?

In anticipation of great things,
Signature - Amy Lucia
Amy Lucia
IJM Vice President of Global Communications

IJM - International Justice Mission

Friday, June 4, 2010

District of Columbia Passes New Human Trafficking Bill

The District of Columbia is an interesting identity. It's not a state, has no governor, and all bills are signed in by the Mayor and then must be ratified by Congress.

Earlier this week, DC unanimously passed a new Human Trafficking bill, which is awaiting to be signed by the Mayor. This is a sorely needed bill in our Nations capital and provides stricter punishments for traffickers and those knowingly associated. It also provides help and options for the victims of trafficking. READ THE FULL BILL.

Here are some highlights of the bill.
  • Penalties for all those benefiting from human trafficking, even if they're not active participants.
  • Victims of trafficking have the private right to sue their assailants.
  • New support and advocacy for victims.

You can help by sending an email to the Mayor of DC asking him to sign the bill.